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Don’t Worry, It’s Not Spoiled! Understanding Our Coconut Yogurt Separation…🥄 Let’s Dive into the Science of YOGURT MAGIC! ✨🥣

So, one of our beautiful batch of coconut yogurt decided to do a little dance party, leaving a layer of clear liquid at the bottom of the jar. No need to panic! This separation is completely normal and doesn’t mean the yogurt has gone bad. In fact, it’s a common characteristic of this delicious dairy-free treat that happens one in a while.

Here’s the science behind the split:

  • Coconut milk naturally separates: Unlike dairy milk, coconut milk doesn’t have the same proteins to act as stabilizers. During fermentation, the fats and liquids tend to find their own happy places, leading to some layering.
  • We use Agar-Agar (Natural Seaweed gelatin) to help achieve our creamy consistency, which minimize separation. But even with these, a little layering is still possible once in a while.
  • Adjusting to our new equipment: Koko Kai Yogurt has expended and invested in a large production skid, adjusting fermentation temperature applicable to our very large tank. we are still learning how to make in a large capacity the best batch each and every time.

What to do about it:

  • Relax! Your yogurt is perfectly safe to eat. And it is full of live and actives cultures which sometimes have a mind of their own.
  • Give it a stir: Simply mix the layers back together for a creamier and homogenized texture.
  • Embrace the layers: If you don’t mind, enjoy the distinct textures – the thicker top is great for dolloping, while the thinner layer is perfect for smoothies or dressings.

Bonus tip: Remember, even though it separates sometimes Koko Kai coconut yogurt is a delicious and healthy treat, fermented naturally without starches or sugar. So, grab a spoon, embrace the natural variation, and enjoy our creation!

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